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1-1 Sexual Energy Mastery For Men Training On Zoom

  • 2 Steps


If you want a deep and personal dive into this work, then you may wish to work with me on a 1-1 basis. During our 8 x 2 hour sessions together not only will you get to learn these tools of inner alchemy, but also we can work on healing and talking through issues that may come up during the training on a deeper level. Men join my work for many different reasons. * Alchemising the spiritual and the sexual * Becoming more present in relationships * Understanding sacred masculinity * Overcoming porn addiction * Working with erectile dis-function * Working on early release, lack of sensitivity, or too much sensitivity in the pe**s * Learning techniques for cultivating and transmuting sexual energy, to become healthier, happier, and more enlightened individuals. During our zoom calls you will learn : * Nervous system regulation meditations * Grounding Qi Gung techniques * Embodiment Practices * Self Massage / Self Pleasure meditations * Receive recorded home study to support you in your journey. * Lessons and direction from myself, having walked this pathway for nearly 30 years 

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



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3 month 1-1 coaching plan


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